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The Polywater® FTTx Fiber Lubricant quart spray bottle, catalog #FTTx-35LR, 20-count wipes canister, catalog #FTTx-D20, makes the installation of fiber drops easy. The lubricant is concentrated, only a thin film is required for immediate tension reduction that lasts even as the lubricant dries. Spray the cable or conduit. Quick and easy to use without mess or excess lubricant. Easy to Use

Polywater® FTTx

Concentrated Liquid Lubricant

Convenient Lubricant for Small Cables with Spray or Wipe Application

Polywater® FTTx Fiber Lubricant makes the installation of fiber drops easy.   The lubricant is concentrated, only a thin film is required for immediate tension reduction that lasts even as the lubricant dries.   Spray or wipe the cable or conduit.   Quick and easy to use without mess or excess lubricant.

  • Perfect for Fiber Optic Drops
  • Non-Staining, Quick Clean-Up
  • Easy Application with Spray or Wipe
  • Lubricates with Very Thin Film, Performs After Drying
  • Compatible with Common Cable Jackets � Including Polyethylene
  • Helps Prevent "Wet Link" Insertion Loss in Category 6 Data Cables

Application and Usage Directions

Polywater® FTTx Catalog #FTTx-35LR Quart Spray Bottle. Polywater® FTTx Catalog #FTTx-35LR Quart Spray Bottle.

Polywater® FTTx Lubricant is easy to apply.   It can be sprayed into conduit or wiped onto cable, making the installation of multiple drops quick and convenient.   Use Polywater® FTTx to insure fast installation without mess.

Inject 5 to 10 sprays directly into conduit just before pulling or pushing.   For larger conduit or longer pulls, spray additional lubricant onto the cable or into the conduit if the tension increases.

Polywater® FTTx Catalog #FTTx-D20 20-Count Saturated Wipe Canister. Polywater® #FTTx-D20 20-Count Saturated Wipe Canister.

Wipe cable as it enters conduit or attach wipe to pulling line to prelubricate conduit.   One towel is sufficient for small cable and for installations or drops under 200 feet.   Use additional lubricant wipes on longer pulls or when tension increases.

Polywater® FTTx Spray Lubricant remains effective with very thin, molecular-level films, so it continues to lubricate even when it can not be detected.

FTTx Package Size Units/CS Image
FTTx-D20 20-count saturated wipe dispenser 12 The Polywater® FTTx Fiber Lubricant 20-count wipes canister, catalog #FTTx-D20, makes the installation of fiber drops easy. The lubricant is concentrated, only a thin film is required for immediate tension reduction that lasts even as the lubricant dries. Wipe the cable or conduit. Quick and easy to use without mess or excess lubricant.
FTTx-35LR 1-quart (.95 liter) bottle with sprayer 12 The Polywater® FTTx Fiber Lubricant quart spray bottle, catalog #FTTx-35LR, makes the installation of fiber drops easy. The lubricant is concentrated, only a thin film is required for immediate tension reduction that lasts even as the lubricant dries. Spray the cable or conduit. Quick and easy to use without mess or excess lubricant.
FTTx-35 1-quart (.95 liter) bottle 12 NONE
FTTx-128 1-gallon (3.8 liter) pail 4 NONE
FTTx-640 5-gallon (18.9 liter) pail 1 NONE

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*Contact American Polywater for specific recommendations on LSZH/LSHF or CSPE cable jacket types.

Important Notice: The statements and information here are made in good faith based on tests and observations we believe to be reliable. However, the completeness and accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. Before using, the end-user should conduct whatever evaluations are necessary to determine that the product is suitable for the intended use. The user assumes all risks and liability in connection with such use. The statements contained herein are made in lieu of all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, which warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed. American Polywater's only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proven to be defective. Except for the replacement remedy, American Polywater shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use or the failure to properly use these products, regardless of the legal theory asserted. The foregoing may not be altered except by a written agreement by the officers of American Polywater Corporation.

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