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Front End Pack® Bags -- A Cable Pulling Lubrication System That Supplements or Eliminates Hand Application of Lube During Wire Installations.


Cable Lubricating System

Front End Pack™ Bags -- A Cable Pulling Lubrication System That Supplements or Eliminates Hand Application of Lube During Wire Installations.

Lubricant Application Videos for American Polywater® Products

The Polywater® Front End Pack is a plastic, lubricant-filled bag. It lubricates ahead of the cable during the pull. It eliminates the need for hand application in many pulls. Proper Front End Pack use lubricates far down the conduit where normal lubrication is inadequate.

SIZES Front End Pack® Bags -- A Cable Pulling Lubrication System That Supplements or Eliminates Hand Application of Lube During Wire Installations.
Two different sizes are available. Both contain Polywater® J High Performance Cable Lubricant.

When only Front End Packs are used for a pull, the number of packs recommended for a pull is:

                          N = 0.003 x T x L x D

           Where:    N = Number of packs required
                     T = 1 for J-110/J-55 packs (half-gallon size)
			 2 for J-99/J-27 packs (one-quart size)
                     L = Length of pull in feet
                     D = Nominal I.D. of conduit in inches

The quantity appropriate for a difficult pull may be up to +50% above this average, depending on conduit fill, conduit type and condition, number of bends, and pulling environment.

For instructions on use of the Front End Pack , click here for streaming video, or click here for a narrated slide show, or view the illustrations below:

1) Attach Front End Pack(s) to the winch rope in front of the cable. Fasten with tape or a cable tie inserted through the rope strands, and tighten behind the metal clip.

Figure 1.

2) For pulls requiring multiple Front End Packs, the packs should be attached to the winch rope in tandem.

Figure 2.

3) Start the pull and slit open the entire length of the pack(s) with a sharp knife just as each pack enters the conduit.

Figure 3.

4) The opened Front End Packs will deposit Polywater J Lubricant in front of the cable as it is pulled through the conduit.

Figure 4.

5) Throw away the empty Front End Pack bags at the end of the pull.

Figure 5.

1) Cut off the end of the Front End Pack behind the metal clip.

2) Slide the Front End Pack into the conduit (open end first) in front of the cable.

Figure 6.

3) Cut the back end wide open.

4) Repeat with as many Front End Packs as needed.

5) Start the pull. The advancing cable will push the Front End Packs through the conduit.

Figure 7.

For long, difficult pulls, Front End Packs should be supplemented with direct lubrication on the middle portion of the cable.

Front End Packs may be used for direct lubrication by poking a hole in the pack and squeezing lubricant directly onto the moving cable.

Another good method for longer pulls is to prelube the conduit from the pulling end as the winch rope is pulled in from that end. The bags are attached to the rope as described above. This lubricates the end of the cable pull.

Save Manpower. Direct (hand) lubrication of the cable is often unnecessary with Front End Pack use, so this means one less person for many pulls.

Easier Pulls. Superior lubrication occurs because the Front End Pack delivers lube far into long conduit runs where friction reduction is most needed and most often missed.

Controlled Lubricant Usage. Measured quantities of lube can be used for the pull, not the variable usage typical of hand application. Plus, all lubricant is in the conduit and functioning.

Less Mess. It's no longer necessary to hand dip and slop lubricant all over the floor, junction box, or pulling crew. It's in the conduit where it belongs.

Proven System. Front End Packs have been used successfully on tens of thousands of pulls for over fifteen years. Many large utilities use nothing else.

Economical. Convenience and reduction of waste combine to make this package a money saver.

Catalog Number Package Size Units/CS
G-55 ½-gal Front End Pack bag Polywater G® (1.9 liters) 6/box
J-27 1-quart Front End Pack bag Polywater J® (.95 liters) 12/box
J-55 ½-gal Front End Pack bag Polywater J® (1.9 liters) 6/box
J-99 1-quart Front End Pack bag Polywater J® (.95 liters) 16/pail
J-110 ½-gal Front End Pack bag Polywater J® (1.9 liters) 10/pail
WJ-27 1-quart Front End Pack bag Polywater WJ® (.95 liters) 12/box
WJ-55 ½-gal Front End Pack bag Polywater WJ® (1.9 liters) 6/box
WJ-99 1-quart Front End Pack bag Polywater WJ® (.95 liters) 16/pail
WJ-110 ½-gal Front End Pack bag Polywater WJ® (1.9 liters) 10/pail

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For more information, check out our Lubricant Application Video

For more information, check out our SpeedRead article on Front End Pack use

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