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Training & Demonstration Videos   No Registration Required!
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   AirRepair® Pressurized Cable Leak Repair System
                                                Run Time 10:52
   BonDuit® Conduit Adhesive -- Application Instructions
                                                Run Time 6:09
   Cable Installation Engineering -- For Engineers & Consultants
                                                Run Time 13:27
   Cable Pulling & Lubrication -- For Fiber Optic Cable
                                                Run Time 12:24
   Cable Pulling Lubrication -- For HV Electrical Cable
                                                Run Time 8:42
   Electrical Cable Cleaning -- For HV Electrical Splicing
                                                Run Time 7:58
   Front End Pack Bag Lubrication System
                                                Run Time 3:30
   FST-250 Foam Duct Sealant -- Video demonstrates use of the
   product the in a clear conduit for easy visualization

                                                Run Time 6:12
   FST-250 Foam Duct Sealant -- Video demonstrates use of the
   product using the saturated foam method of installation

                                                Run Time 4:37
WMV YouTube
   FST-250 Foam Duct Sealant -- Video demonstrates use of the
   product using the saturated foam method of installation
   in running water.

                                                Run Time 3:12
WMV YouTube
   FST-250 Foam Duct Sealant -- Video demonstrates use of the
   product in a 4-inch conduit.

                                                Run Time 3:02
WMV YouTube
   FST-250 Foam Duct Sealant -- Video demonstrates use of the
   product using the saturated foam method of installation in
   a U Guard

                                                Run Time 1:57
WMV YouTube
   FST-MINI Foam Duct Sealant -- Video demonstrates use of the

                                                Run Time 2:36
WMV YouTube
   IceFree Antifreeze Gel System
                                                Run Time 5:32
   InstaGrout Sealant Barrier
                                                Run Time 8:40
   Lubricant Application -- Pumps & Applicators
   Video demonstrates the use of pumps to apply Polywater® Lubricant

                                                Run Time 4:30
   Lubricant Application -- Hand Applying Lubricate
   Video demonstrates hand applying Polywater® Lubricant

                                                Run Time 4:21
   Lubricant Application -- Spray Application
   Video demonstrates the use of Polywater® Spray Lubricant

                                                Run Time 2:54
   Lubricant Application -- Front End Pack
   Video demonstrates the use of the Polywater® Front End Pack

                                                Run Time 3:30
   PedFloor Structural Foam
   Video demonstrates the use of PedFloor Structural Foam
Run Time 2:16

   Pull-Planner 3000 for Windows
   Video demonstrates the use of the Pull-Planner 3000 for Windows software
Run Time 1Hour 24 Minutes
* You may need to install codec from GoToMeeting to view the video.
WMV* YouTube
   Polywater Flame Resistance Video demonstrates combustion
   resistance of Polywater® Lubricant J and LZ residues in conduit

                                                Run Time 0:10
   Polywater® SPY Spray Lubricant -- The "Pull-O-Rama" Demonstration
                                                Run Time 4:18
   PowerPatch® Transformer Leak Repair System
Run Time 4:13
   PowerPatch® Pad N Pole™
Run Time 2:02
   Pump Model LP-3 Hand-Operated 5-Gallon-Pail Lubricant Pump
                                                Run Time 0:15
   QuicKleen Fiber Cleaner
                                                Run Time 2:54
   RBG Rubber Goods Cleaner for Live-Line Tools
                                                Run Time 3:32
   Solar Panel Wash Solar Panel Wash and Cleaner
                                                Run Time 1:38
   SolidSeal Duct Sealant
                                                Run Time 2:26
WMV YouTube
   Splice Shield Cable repair sealant
                                                Run Time 1:38
   Sprayer Model IS-3 Hand-Pump Sprayer for Polywater® SPY Lubricant
                                                Run Time 1:00
   SqueekyKleen Communications Cleaner for Fiber Optic Cables
                                                Run Time 2:09
   SqueekyKleen Communications Cleaner for Fiber Optic Cables
                                                Run Time 3:05 (in CHINESE)
   Type HP Multi-Purpose Cleaner -- Video demonstrates cable cleaning
   and other electrical uses.

                                                Run Time 5:17 (in CHINESE)
   Type P7 Penetrating Oil
                                                Run Time 1:33 (in CHINESE)
WMV YouTube
   Type P7 Penetrating Oil Protects
                                                Run Time 0:41
WMV YouTube
   Type P7 Penetrating Oil Loosens
                                                Run Time 0:38
WMV YouTube
   Type P7 Penetrating Oil Lubricates
                                                Run Time 0:31
WMV YouTube
   Type TR Trichlor Replacement Wipes & Aerosols
                                                Run Time 3:55 (in CHINESE)
   UPR Utility Pole Repair
                                                Run Time 7:05
   Wax Lubricant Residue Flammability Video demonstrates
   combustibility of wax-based lubricant residue in split conduit

                                                Run Time 0:31

*Higher resolution versions of these videos are included with American Polywater's full-line catalog on CD.   To request a catalog CD, complete this Mail List Application Form and be sure to click the "Full-Line Product Catalog" button near the bottom of the page.   Note that subscription to newsletters is not required.   You can also contact American Polywater at 1-800-328-9384 or 1-651-430-2270, or email a catalog request to [email protected].   Be sure to include full contact information.

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