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Welcome, Polywater® Representatives!

Enjoy these photos from our 1999 Christmas Celebration.

The annual APC Christmas party was held on December 10th. The highlight of the evening was the "Modeling Contest." Each table of guests elected one "model" and "dressed" this individual with supplied materials (tinsel, foil, etc.) as a representative of the Year 2000. The models then strutted their stuff in competition for audience approval. This raucous event resulted in a four-way tie between Gloria Adams as "G-L-O-R-I-A Gloria," Wade LaVander as "The Millennium Bug in Pupa Stage," Sharon Hindahl as "Don't Touch My 2000," and the Friday Fax Editor as "He-She" (the erotic Oriental hermaphrodite). Below are a few "Kodak moments" from the contest.

Gloria Adams gets checked for steroids use.

No, Tim Schmolke, leave the pants up.

Barry Spreeman: A star is born.

Sheri Dahlke and husband Mike like to win.

Ruben Huaracha sees the future.

Sharon Hindahl's husband Sandy sits in for a private showing.

Chris Jonnes gets measured for his fitting.

Tom Ramboldt's fiancée Sandra affixes the final gold leaf to He/She's headdress.

Wade "The Pupa" LeVander begins his metamorphosis.

Bernie Schmahl is ... King Tut 2000? Colonel Sanders in a collander?

"He/She" walks the walk.

Wade "The Pupa" LeVander ... Kneel before the god.

Left to right: Chris Jonnes as "He/She," the erotic hermaphrodite; Sharon Hindahl as "Don't Touch My 2000;" Bernie Schmahl as "Hail, Bernie;" Nancy Miller as the "Statue of Liberty;" Ruben Huaracha as "Mas Cervesas Por Favor;" Gloria Adams as "G-L-O-R-I-A Gloria;" Tim Schmolke as "Crazy Bastard;" Wade LeVander as the "Millenium Bug in Pupa Stage."

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American Polywater Corporation -- The world's leading manufacturer of cable pulling lubricants, cable cleaners, and MRO & construction chemicals.
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Copyright 2001 - 2005 American Polywater Corporation | Polywater Updated 12/14/0512/14/05