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Cable Gel Remover

Safe, Effective, Water-based
Cleaner For the Removal
of Cable Filling Greases

HydraSol® Remover cleans cable filling gels, flooding compounds, PE/PJ & ETPR greases, fluxes, and ickypic off wires, hands, and splicing tools

  • Maximum Solvency Power on PE/PJ or ETPR Greases

  • Rinses Off With Water--Water Base

  • Good For Multiple Cleanings

  • No Chlorinated Solvent, CFC, or Glycol Ether Content

  • Available in a Variety of Convenient Packages

HydraSol® Gel Remover is a unique approach in cable cleaning materials. It is a water-based solvent cleaner that offers unique safety and handling. HydraSol® Gel Remover is amazingly effective at dissolving and removing cable filling greases (ickypic).

HydraSol® Remover's components are on the FDA's and FEMA's "generally recognized as safe" lists. They have low toxicity whether by oral, inhalation or dermal exposure. The product is water-based (over 50% water).

HydraSol® Remover softens, removes and suspends cable filling greases. The solvent remains active and is only slowly "used up." HydraSol® Remover is good for multiple cleaning for economy and efficiency.

HydraSol® Remover is easy to rinse off hands and tools. Dissolved grease isn't "redeposited" as the cleaner residue dries.

Unique Spray Bottles - HydraSol® Gel Remover is available in environmentally safe, refillable, trigger spray bottles (adjustable for stream or spray).

Durable Saturated Wipe - HydraSol® Remover is available in a presoaked towelette. The large, tear-resistant towelette comes in an easy-open foil pack. The towelette is especially effective for smaller cleaning jobs. Saves money over bulk use with rags. And now available in handy 72-count self-dispensing and resealable canisters!

Catalog No. Description Units/CS Image
HS-1 Saturated lint-free wipe in foil pack 144 Catalog #HS-1 Saturated lint-free wipe in foil pack.
HS-D72 Dispenser with 72 10" x 12" premoistened wipes 6 Catalog #HS-D72 72-Count Saturated Wipe Dispenser.
HS-16LR 1-Pint (475 ml) spray bottle 12 Catalog #HS-16LR 1-Pint (475 ml) spray bottle.
HS-32LR 1-Quart (.95 liter) spray bottle 12 Catalog #HS-32LR 1-Quartt (.95 liter) spray bottle.
HS-32 1-Quart (.95 liters) bottle with flip-top cap 12 None
HS-96 3 Quarts (2.8 liters) in a 1-gallon pail 4 None
HS-128 1-Gallon (3.8 liters) jug 4 None
HS-384 3 Gallons (11.4 liters) in a 5-gallon pail 1 None
HS-640 5-Gallon (18.9 liters) pail 1 None
HS-DRUM 55-Gallon (208 liters) drum 1 None

Note: For cleaning the actual glass fibers prior to splicing, we recommend SqueekyKleen Cleaner and QuicKleen


  1. Solvency Power: At 68°F (20°C), will dissolve .020" (.5 mm) film of PE/PJ or ETPR grease completely from cable jacket with less than two minutes of vigorous agitation (no wiping).

  2. Water Base: Greater than 50% water content.

  3. Appearance: Milky-white liquid. Requires shaking before use.

  4. Percent non-volatile solids: Less than 3%

  5. Chlorinated Solvent, CFC, or Glycol Ether Content: None

  6. Clean-up: Can be rinsed off with water.

  7. Combustibility: Will self-extinguish in under five seconds when wicked onto 00 steel wool and ignited.

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Important Notice: The statements and information here are made in good faith based on tests and observations we believe to be reliable. However, the completeness and accuracy of the information is not guaranteed. Before using, the end-user should conduct whatever evaluations are necessary to determine that the product is suitable for the intended use. The user assumes all risks and liability in connection with such use. The statements contained herein are made in lieu of all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, which warranties are hereby expressly disclaimed. American Polywater's only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proven to be defective. Except for the replacement remedy, American Polywater shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use or the failure to properly use these products, regardless of the legal theory asserted. The foregoing may not be altered except by a written agreement by the officers of American Polywater Corporation.

Ask for Polywater® products by name at your local authorized distributor.

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